Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Belief, Truth, and Knowledge

What is the difference between knowledge, truth, and belief? In my opinion, which it is a funny thing for one to give their opinion on such a subject, is that all three of these help shape our minds. We only know the things that we believe and believe the things we learn as true. In learning truth, we think about what really is true. And in learning truth, we can begin to doubt what we already believed to be true. See how all three connect? The main thing here is truth; and what really is true against what we just think is true. Also, how to we come to getting at the truth. To know something, you have to believe it is true. And to learn the truth, we have only but to doubt the things that we think are true. The key here is an open mind.

V for Vendetta Analyzed

V’s speech to the people of London

The movie V for Vendetta takes place in London many years from now. It’s a story all about how Parliament takes over completely and the people of London are pushed to such injustice and oppression. A man named “V”, who is a survivor of one of the crudest forms of injustice, becomes a plotting revolutionist. He wears the mask of Guy Fawkes, who was a French revolutionist in the 1600’s. Fawkes lead a gunpowder treason to blow up Parliament symbolizing the government’s wrong doings. He planned it on November the fifth and wanted to embed it as a national holiday. Sadly, he did not succeed. V however, plans to lead the same kind of revolution. To do that, part of his plot includes the people of London. So on November the fifth, he takes over the media station and broadcasts a speech that persuades the people to be by his side in their own revolution.

In V’s speech to the people, he begins with a simple apology to London and confesses that he too “appreciates the comforts of the everyday routine, the security of the familiar, and the tranquility of repetition.” In saying this, he implies that he means them not to be dismayed from listening. He then goes on to say that November the fifth will be an important day.

V mentions that there are “those who do not want us to speak” and that he “suspects that orders are being given and men with guns will soon be on their way.” He starts to evaluate all the things that are happening, and they are believably true. V explains why the government would not want him to speak, and it is because “words will always retain their power. Words offer the means to meaning and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth.” These words appeal to the people’s intellect. Then V adds to that by boldly stating that there is something terribly wrong with the country. By using words such as “cruelty”, “injustice”, and “oppression” to describe the government, he starts to appeal to the audience’s emotions. He talks of how much the people are censored and have “systems of surveillance”. He speaks of it strongly implying that everyone knows what he is talking about; and especially the government. He blames the government, but he knows where the real blame lies. He tells the people “if you’re looking for the guilty, you need only to look into a mirror.” It is then very clear that he blames the people, and in return, the people know they are to blame.

By this point of V’s speech, he has totally turned the audience’s emotions. Then, by the change of tone in his voice, from calm but strong to very understanding; he starts to evaluate more of why the people are to be blamed. He says, “I know why you did it. I know you were afraid. Who wouldn’t be? War. Terror. Disease.” V plainly states that fear got the best of them and corrupted their common sense which is why they turned to the High Chancellor, who promised peace and demanded only their “silent, obedient consent.” By now, the people are stirred by the fact that they surrendered too many freedoms for the comfort and security of their own lives.

Next, V confessed to blowing up the Old Bailey the night before. The Old Bailey is one of the most important court houses in London; and on top stood a revised version of Lady Justice, none the less, she still stood for justice. His reasoning for such an act was simply to “remind the country of what it has forgotten”, which is justice, peace, and freedom. At this point, he starts his reasoning of a revolution with the people by giving history of November the fifth and the meaning for recreating it. He ends his speech with a powerful tone that completely grabs the people’s emotions even more. V states, “But if you see what I see, if you feel as I feel, and if you would seek as I seek…then I ask you to stand beside me, one year from tonight, outside the gates of Parliament. And together, we shall give them a fifth of November that shall never, ever be forgot!” This last statement creates unity, courage, and power for the people to take thier government back through an uprising.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

all about myself (1)

Hi everyone. My name is Audrey. It’s really hard to just start writing a blog about myself because I really don’t know where I could possibly start. While reading, you may find that I switch quickly from one subject to another. I guess I can say that’s a thing you should know about me. I can be very random, but that is only because I say what I think. And of course, everyone can understand what I mean by that because you don’t think in clear sentences. Everything is chaos in your head and one subject leads to another, then to another, and soon enough you have this big train of thought where the first thing you started talking about doesn’t exactly make sense with the last thing. Why am I giving you a lesson on how we think? Well, of course I’m just trying to get you to realize why I’m random.

Maybe I should start telling you a little more about myself. Here are the basics. I’m a girl (obviously), 5’7”, sixteen years old, white Caucasian, brown hair, hazel eyes (blue-green), 116 lb. I have 4 sisters, 2 parents, all 4 grandparents, and too many cousins to count. I’ve lived in the same place all my life, never moved houses or school, and I’m very optimistic. I used to have a dog but she was too much to handle in a family of 7 so we gave her away sadly. Then I had 16 fish, but they all have died by now. I guess I just never had the best of luck with animals; however, I LOVE horses. I am the middle child, but I certainly don’t act like the middle child. Or at least I try not to. I love to meet new people and volunteer. In ten years, I plan on being a math teacher, hopefully married with a kid or two, and a speaker for Catholic teens. Oh yea! I forgot to tell you that part. I am a strict Catholic and I want to play a big part in my church after I turn 18. My favorite colors are yellow and orange, and my favorite movie is Pirates of the Caribbean 3: at World's End! I love all kinds of foods. I try to keep an open mind to anything and everything. Music, food, culture, you name it! Well I could just go on and on but I need to save some things for other blogs! Bye :)