Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Outfoxed, a documentary directed by Robert Greenwald, is a great examination of the news station FOX. The documentary's purpose is to show all viewers how subjective the news station can be. Instead of just reporting news, reporters often put their own opinions, comments, and beliefs in reports. Sometimes, it may get so often that it is no longer a report on a subject or event, but a debate. This makes FOX seem like a very unreliable source of news. Even 88% of top critics, from, have agreed with Outfoxed and haved called it "An often entertaining indictment of the Fox News Channel".

Like any other news station, FOX tries its hardest to get top stories and inside information to report on. However, when it comes to the reporters themselves, commentary is often used. As depicted in the documentary, reporters of FOX often provide their own commentary in a clever way. They simply state, "Some people say" or "It has been said that". In other words, "I believe" or "In my opinion". Especially at times of interviews, this may spark a debate between what the interviewer and the interviewee believe. News is not a debate. Reporters should simply just deliver the news with no extra opinion or commentary added.

Also, in the documentary, Greenwald shows that FOX may also choose their guests according to a political bias they have. FOX has had 83% of Republican guests and only 17% of Democratic guests. According to, The whole documentary is ligit. All the numbers were researched and the documentary is correct. Does this not mean that they are only showing one side of the story? Or are they manipulating the news in such a way that favors Republicans? Either way, it can be concluded from the documentary that FOX is not the most reliable source of information. FOX is too subjective and bias to deliver any whole story.

Works cited:

"Outfoxed is Now Ligit". Get Outfoxed. 7 May 2008. <>.

"Movies/on DVD/ Outfoxed". Rotten Tomatoes. 17 Sep. 2004. 7 May 2008. <>.